Acts 1:4-14
Jesus ascended into heaven, the disciples went back to the upper room, to the very same place where they had the Last Supper, and they prayed and waited, just as Christ commanded.
early church habitually go to the upper room. That was the last place where they spent the Last Supper with Christ. They instinctively go back to the upper room.
calls to Saul in the upper room, prior to his anointing (1 Samuel 9)
the son of the widow of Zarephath died,
Elijah took the body of the child to the upper room and raised the boy
to life again. (1 Kings 17)
the son of the Shunamite woman died, Elisha raised the boy from the dead also
in the upper room. (2 Kings 4)
raised Dorcas from the dead in the upper room (Acts 9:39~40)
Peter, when sent to Cornelius, went to the upper room to
pray (Acts 10:9)
When James was beheaded and Peter put in jail, the early
church gathered together at the upper room to pray earnestly for him (Acts 12)
In Troas, Paul preached to a large group of believers in
the upper room (Acts 20:7-8)
Elisha, Peter, Paul, the twelve, all had their own upper rooms.
The early church started in the upper room.
Do you get the idea now ..?
Things always happen in the upper room ........
Do you get the idea now ..?
Things always happen in the upper room ........
Do you have an upper room to go to?
All of
us should.
To set
apart time when we can withdraw from the world to fellowship with God and spend
time on His Word. Maybe this was what
Christ meant when he said to go into your room when you pray? (Matthew
6:6) Was Jesus talking about our own
individual upper room?
It does not have
to be an actual room. Just a place where
you can get away from the distractions of the world to spend time
fellowshiping with God in His Word.
this is the reason why we re-enact the upper room experience every Sunday morning?
Because on the night that Jesus was
betrayed, he was in the upper room with his disciples. And he took bread and in
the act of breaking he said,
"This bread is a symbol of my body broken for you. This cup is a symbol of my blood poured out for the forgiveness of your sins. Do this in memory of me."
And, that is why every Sunday we all go back to the upper
room as a church.
We go back to the upper room to fellowship with Christ.
We go back to the upper room to fellowship with Christ.
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