Friday, July 17, 2020


17th July 2020


What do you do when the pressure of work is so overwhelming, as you struggle to meet the demands of the client, and there is no imminent end nor solution in sight, not at least for another few weeks?  

Each night you lie down worrying about what may unfold the next day.  Even the weekend offers little rest as you think about the Monday following and your heart skips a beat each time you hear your mobile phone ring, which may be about work, again.  And the last piece of advice you want to hear is … “Try not to worry so much….”

Reduced to utter helplessness, there is no respite except to spend time in the presence of God.

You try to pray your way through the fog but you don’t see the lighthouse anywhere.  You fumble choosing the words to pray…

What to do when you do not know how or what to pray…?
You keep silent and by faith you just read His Word and let God speak to you, not exactly sure how He is going to do that…

Psalm 86 was a balm to my battered soul.

The psalmist, David, cried out, echoing the depths of my weighed-down heart ….

Hear me, Lord…
Guard my life…
Save your servant…..
You are my God, have mercy on me, Lord.
For I call to you all day long…!
Yes, practically all day long, I was pleading to God for a way out…
Bring joy to your servant, Lord, and remove this terrified spirit from me.
For I put my trust in you.
When I am in distress, I call to you
Because I know you will answer me
There is no one like you
I have no one, but you, Lord.
Teach me your way
And remind me of your faithfulness.
For you are a compassionate and gracious God
Slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness
Save me
Give me a sign of your goodness

I meditated on Psalm 86 for two days. 

Then two days later, my Bible Reading Plan took me to Revelation chapter 2. 
What ?  Revelation 2? 
The letters to the seven churches that are full of admonitions? 
How would that encourage me..?

As I started reading, a sense of God’s peace slowly started to seep into my soul…

It was as if the Lord was reminding me of His goodness :

I know your deeds, your hard work and your perseverance
I know your afflictions
I know about those who slander against you
You will suffer for a little while.
Be faithful.
I know where you live (work) – where Satan has his throne.
Yes, the marketplace is so tainted & corrupted with the works of the evil one
I know your deeds, your love and faith,
Your service and perseverance
Strengthen what remains
Remember what you have received and heard
Hold it fast
Hold on to what you have, so that no one will take your crown.
I know what you are going through….

Just like Job when God confronted him with the 64 questions, I was strangely silent in awe and reverence.
The dark clouds seemed to ease aside slightly, letting through a bit of light…

Two nights ago, I watched the movie “Greyhound” where Tom Hanks played the role of Captain Ernest Kraus, the commander of four American destroyers, shepherding a convoy of supply ships across the dangerous Atlantic to Great Britain during WW2, over a 5-day stretch.  And there were German U-Boats lurking in the ocean depths like a wolf pack, just waiting for the chance to ambush and wipe out the destroyers, and the supply ships.

What ensued were many heart-stopping and tense moments.

What really got to me was the simple and tireless faith of Captain Krause.

At the beginning of the movie, he prays on bended knees, 

“Dear Lord, let Your angel be with me, that the evil foe may have no power over me.  Amen.”

He then stayed on the bridge a few days at a time, leading his convoy in a cat-and-mouse confrontation with the U-Boats, resulting in many casualties on both sides.

When the enemy U-Boats were finally eliminated, Captain Krause retired to his cabin,  praying before he went to bed:  

“I thank you, my heavenly Father, that You have graciously kept me this day.  Into your hands I commend myself, my body and soul.  Amen.”

Two short and simple prayers. 

But therein lies a great truth that I can once again lay hold of and claim for myself, in quiet and confident trust.

Such a welcome sight as I was watering the string bush in front of my house.  The evening sun shining through upon the budding flowers, after a period of dryness, offers a glimpse of fresh new hopes.
This, too, shall pass. With the help of God I shall get through this and come out the other side of the tunnel, stronger.

19th July 2020

Psalm 88

I continue to cry out to God who only can save me. (88:1)

Can God be glorified in my failure?  Will God be honoured when I suffer defeat and humiliation?

The honest cries of hurt from the psalmist resonated within my soul.  It is never wise to be dishonest with God.  He knows exactly what we are thinking, anyway.  He would prefer that more than our false cries of praise.....

In quiet and confident trust, I continue to pray that God will prosper the tasks and projects that He has so entrusted under my watch.
For His Name's sake and for His glory!

May God's favour be upon me.  
May I find favour in the eyes of my accusers...... 

10:00 pm

Just got encouraged from a webinar:

"To surrender at the lowest point of your life is to find yourself in the hollow of God's Hands and the only way to go next is up!"

"Even when we are faithless, He remains faithful for He cannot deny Himself!" (2 Timothy 2:13)

20 July 2020

Isaiah 33

"Be my strength every morning
My salvation in times of distress.." (Isaiah 33:2)

21 July 2020

Pslam 89

"May your love and faithfulness go before me" (Psalm 88:14)

"For you are my glory and strength, and by your favour your Name is exalted!" (Psalm 88:17)

22 July 2020
6:00 pm

Finally, a glimmer of light! 
The client was willing to meet halfway with the Schedule of Rates that we submitted today! 
A very small victory. 
But it is still a victory worth celebrating!
Praise God! :D

In every victory (however small)
May it be said of me
My source of strength
My source of hope
Is Christ alone!

24 July 2020
Deuteronomy 7
What do you do, when God brings you to a place of great trials and you ask "How, God?"
Do not be afraid.
Remember your Egypt and how God delivered you with His mighty and outstretched arm?
He is a great and awesome God.
He will drive out your adversaries before you, little by little..

26 July 2020
I was informed by my boss that the client wanted to see us the next day (Monday) at 3:00 pm.  Oh, dear, I got that feeling of heaviness in my chest again.  Not another round of hard negotiations.... When is it ever going to end..?

27 July 2020

Did not sleep well last night.
Woke up late on purpose.  Did not feel like waking up at all today.  But I have to go to work.

I reluctantly sat down to read God's Word.  Did not expect much.

Isaiah 35

The desert & the parched land will be glad
the wilderness will rejoice & blossom
it will burst into bloom
It will rejoice greatly & shout for joy
they will see the glory of the Lord
the splendour of our God
Strengthen the feeble hands
Steady the knees that give way
Say to those with fearful hearts
Be strong, do not fear.
Your God will come
He will come to save you.
Then will water gush forth in the wilderness
& streams in the desert
They will enter Zion with singing 
Everlasting joy will crown their heads
Gladness & joy will overtake them
& sorrow & sighing will flee away....

I was speechless.  I did not choose this Psalm.  It was next on my Bible Reading List.  I secretly wished and hoped against hope that this will come true, soon......

Came 3:00 pm.  We entered the meeting room with a tensed feeling.

It was 4:30 pm.  I was speechless again.  

Like Job again, I was silent and in awe before God...

We will finally be signing the Contract Documents with the client tomorrow afternoon at 3:30 pm!  :D :D :D

Praise God !!!!!

Thank you, Father, for being patient with me.
Thank you, Father, for you never left my side, even during my most terrified moments when I felt so alone.
Thank you, Father, for never letting go of my hand.
I still have so much to learn of the ways of the heroes of faith from Hebrews 11.
Thank you, Father.  I do not know what to say, anymore....
Thank you!


29 July 2020
Deuteronomy 8
It is funny how my daily scripture reading keeps on being relevant to my situation.
Moses reminded the Israelites that the Lord led them into the desert to humble and to test them, to reveal what was in their hearts.  How He humbled them, caused them to hunger, and then fed them, to teach them that man shall not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord!
As a man disciplines his son, so the Lord disciplines us..
And when the Lord has granted us victory, we are to be careful that we do not forget the Lord our God!
Remember the Lord your God, for it is He who gives us the ability!

Forbid it Lord that I should ever forget the Lord and follow other gods!

God certainly has a way of speaking to those whose ears are open to listen to Him.....

Truly, the Word of God is living and active. 
The Word of God is a fountain of peace, comfort and strength through the storms of life.

"Let me hear what God the Lord will speak, for He will speak peace to His people..." (Psalm 85:8)

"Great peace have those who love Your law.." (Psalm 119:165)

God's love and peace are never taken away when things go bad.  Those moments are precisely when we can rely on His mercies to always be available.  He wants us to seek Him in good times and in bad times...

"'For the mountains may depart and the hills be removed, but My steadfast love shall not depart from you, and My covenant of peace shall not be removed,' says the Lord, Who has compassion on you." (Isaiah 54:10)