Abraham walked with God (Genesis 17:1, 24:40, 48:15).
walked away from everything that was familiar to him, packing his bags, leaving
his home country and moving to the place where God led him. By faith Abraham, when he was called, obeyed. His entire life was a walk by faith and not
by sight (Hebrews 11:8).
was 75 years old when he obeyed God to leave the Ur of the Chaldees, and he
died when he was 175 years old. Abraham
walked with God for about 100 years
of his earthly life.
How often does God talk to Abraham?
are only about eight recorded instances where God spoke to Abraham during those 100
years! (Genesis 12:1, 7, 13:14, 15:1, 17:1, 18:1, 21:11, 22:1)
God was talking to Abraham, say, every other day or so, he probably would not have
made all the mistakes that he made, the lies,
Hagar, Ishmael, etc…
Abraham was called “a friend of God”
(James 2:23).
what was Abraham's relationship with God like?
it was often characterised by long periods of silence in between each encounter that Abraham had with God….
it was a life of faith.
believed the LORD, and He credited it to him as righteousness.” (Genesis 15:6)
was it that kept Abraham’s faith strong in his walk with God even though scripture
records that God only spoke to him less than 10 times during his entire life-time..?
did not consider his limitations (Romans 4:18, 19)
He believed God and His Word (Romans 4:20a)
He strengthened his faith by giving glory
to God for the promise yet to be received (Romans 4:20b-21)
I sometimes wonder about those who always have “God-spoke-to-me” kind of fresh revelations on
a regular daily basis. I may not be as spiritual as them, but I draw comfort from the
life of Abraham.
I will meditate on the Word of God, as Abraham did.
It is okay to have seasons of dryness. I will trust His heart when I don't see His hand.
It is okay to have seasons of dryness. I will trust His heart when I don't see His hand.
is alright if I do not always receive fresh insights in my quiet times, but
I will thank God for the many reminders from His Word of what I already know about Him and His
will for my life, just as Abraham was daily reminded of God’s unchanging
promise to him whenever he looked at the stars at night, and the desert sand by
day (Genesis 22:17).
I will strengthen my faith by praising & thanking Him for the precious promises in His Word, even though bad things may happen, because I know He is in control.
I will strengthen my faith by praising & thanking Him for the precious promises in His Word, even though bad things may happen, because I know He is in control.
will make mistakes as Abraham did, sadly…
I will endeavour to live a life of intentional obedience to His revealed will,
the best I know how.
And I
will seek always to walk with God, by faith. As
Abraham did.
“He has told you, O man, what is good; And
what does the LORD require of you But to do justice, to love kindness, And to
walk humbly with your God?” (Micah 6:8)